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There are historical records that date back to 5000-3500 years BC in the so-called pre-agricultural period. Was grown in South America, Amaranthus caudatus (clear seed) and Central America on Amaranthus cruentus

According to several authors, the cultivation and consumption of amaranth or scorekeeper in Bolivia dates back to the time of Tahuantinsuyo where the distribution of land, production system and forms of work organization allowed large volumes of amaranth cultivation for privileged consumption priests, nobles, warriors and as a religious offering. Pre-Columbian civilizations of Mesoamerica and South America also had good practices in storage and preservation of large volumes of grain as an effective strategy for food security and timely attention to disasters.

In addition, the Amaranth was also used as a ceremonial plant in the Aztec empire. In several days the religious calendar, Aztec or Inca women grind or roasted amaranth seed, mixing it with honey or human blood, giving it the shape of birds snakes, deer, or mountains and Gods, ate them with respect and devotion as Food of the Gods.

The Spanish "conquest" for "new world", caused an imbalance in the Incan society tearing the social model, economic and political. The food habit of the Spanish, and the old adage "live by bread alone man" changed many native crops for planting wheat and products used in the diet of the newcomers.

Unfortunately, during the colonial period, at 1540 year, through the Code Mendoza was banned the cultivation and consumption of amaranth under penalty of death. The apparent justification for this was that it was a sacrilegious grain used in pagan ceremonies and rituals mixed with human blood.

Today, it is recognized, valued and consumed grain amaranth in industrialized countries in Europe, Asia, Central and South America for their proven nutritional value, high in protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, natural dyes, low cholesterol, high in fiber and with special care, is a food that can be stored for a long time, which can ensure food security. In the United States of America, after the research of Dr. Nery on the qualities and versatility of amaranth, during the space mission "ATLANTIS", it has been used as a staple food for astronauts in special missions of NASA.

:: Company Spirit
            Eco-efficient company
We care about the environment, make a sustainable use of natural resources.
          Solidarity Corporate
We are looking for food sovereignty, nutrition, health and income generation.
Being eco-efficient and supportive of ensuring its ability to self-sustainability

Amadeo Amaranto